Prepare your Company Not Just for Today, but Tomorrow, and Five Years from Now
Managing Your Talent The Right Way
Talent management and succession planning ensures that your organization has highly qualified and well-developed leaders in all mission-critical positions, not just today, but tomorrow, next year, and five years from now. Succession planning is one of the board’s most important responsibilities and is crucial to building a robust bench of prepared talent across the entire organization.
Benefits of succession planning include senior leaders aligned on critical roles and talent risks, actionable feedback, pragmatic succession plans, customized and focused development plans, and talent movement is aligned with strategy
EDA, Inc. provides a systematic process for your succession planning from identifying key positions to presenting data-driven results on internal candidates to your board.
Our team will work side-by-side with yours to identify the mission critical roles and leadership competencies needed to direct your organization into the future, determine which individuals have what it takes to step up and fill leadership positions at all levels of the organization, and define potential successors’ leadership capabilities, identify gaps, and create professional development plans.
Identify Critical Roles: An EDA professional will work with your organization to first identify critical roles for driving your strategy; build custom leadership success profiles and determine first wave of participants for the assessment process.
Assessments: An EDA professional will complete a comprehensive analysis of the assessment results to create a customized solution to meet your organization’s goals and objectives.
Action Plan: Following these assessments, an action plan will be formulated that includes applicable strategies to fit your organization’s needs.
Execute: The final step in the succession planning process is to successfully execute the action plan.
Let’s Get Started: https://edainc.io/company/contact-us/
Bonnie Hagemann
CEO, EDA, Inc.
Executive Coach, Author, Speaker and Leader of Custom Executive Development Consulting Firm with world-class consultants, recognized in their fields as the creme-de-la-creme. Services include Executive and Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Succession Planning, and High Potential Development.
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