Louise Korver

Senior Leadership Consultant and C-Suite Coach

Louise Korver, a Senior Leadership Consultant and C-Suite Coach with EDA, brings more than thirty years of experience in aligning organizations to the business strategy through coaching and education.  Louise is an international coach specializing in global leadership, talent strategies, cross-cultural issues, and succession to support growth and transformation. Louise works with senior executives and their teams to improve leadership alignment through executive assessment, coaching, and organizational consulting. She focuses on C-suite succession, general manager selection and development, building an enterprise mindset in functional leaders with global responsibilities, and coaching women new to senior leadership positions. She is an expert on onboarding mid-career executives during the transition.

Louise is a talented blend of sharp thinker, incisive assessor of talent, and a rigorous coach to her clients and has assisted many executives as a sounding board for difficult decisions. It is common for Louise to facilitate an executive team toward maximum performance, as well as facilitate their strategic planning meetings. She is a skilled designer of executive educational experiences.

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