Joseph Jordan

Business Advisor & Speaker

Clients wanting to accelerate business transformation in highly competitive environments rely on Joe Jordan to help them integrate their vision, business goals, and how people work together by using training to influence and change behavior. As an engaging and respected speaker, trainer, and business advisor, Joe brings clients candid insights, practical strategies, and relevant examples from leading teams in fast-paced, high-performance service organizations. His areas of expertise include leadership development, sales enablement, critical thinking, communication, and career development. Joe has developed and delivered training for leading companies in healthcare, entertainment, technology, finance, consumer products, transportation, and professional services.

Joe’s corporate roles included Director of Services Sales Training at Dell, Inc. where he collaborated with senior leadership in the $8 billion global Services organization to leverage employee development as a strategic component in sales growth, leading a team creating programs for sales, account management, client engagement, innovation, and project management. Earlier at Dell, Joe was a Performance Consultant for training strategy, needs analysis, program design, and major program management. As an Associate Development Advisor at Perot Systems, Joe taught multi-day courses for Customer Executives and delivery leaders selling and managing complex IT outsourcing engagements.

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