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How to Create Custom Culture Health Areas
1. Log into your EDASurveys account.
2. On the Home Page, click on Library on the upper lefthand side.
3. Next, click on Competencies and then click on Add Competency on the right side to add a Custom Health Area.
4. After clicking Add Competency, a pop up will appear. Enter the Custom Health Area in the Enter Competency Here area, the Definition in the Description area, and the questions under the Behaviors section. Ignore the other sections, as that is for 360 competencies. Once done, click Save Changes.
5. After clicking Save Changes, you will be directed back to the main Competencies page. Here you will see the Custom Health Areas that have been added.
6. If you need to edit a Custom Health Area, click on the three dots to the right of the Custom Health Area and select Edit. If want to preview what it will look like to the participant, click on Preview, and if you want to delete, click on Delete Question.
7. To add the Custom Health Area to your culture survey, once you are at the set-up process where you are asked if you want to include additional Culture Areas, select the Custom Culture Health Area and click on Add & Next. See the Culture Survey 20/20 Survey Guide for more information on launching a Culture 20/20 Survey.
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